Prosimy o przeczytanie tej informacji zanim klikniesz „Akceptuję” lub zamkniesz to okno. Pragniemy poinformować Cię, że Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1−2 rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z 27.04.2016 (tzw. RODO), zapewniamy bezpieczeństwo danym, które są przetwarzane w ramach działania naszej strony. Prosimy Cię o zapoznanie się z Polityką Prywatności naszej firmy. Klikając „Akceptuję” lub zamykając okno, zgadzasz się na warunki przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych wyrażone w Polityce Prywatności.

Lester Polymers

Distribution of packaging and plastics.

A few facts about Lester Polymers:

We process 250 tons of plastic film per month.

We can produce any type of film.

Our products have certificated that allow for their use in the food industry.

Discover the opportunities formed thanks to cooperation with Lester Polymers.

Detailed knowledge of the recipients’ needs, learning about the purpose of our products means that we can always provide help, advice and understanding.

  • We distribute polymer and plastic packaging.
  • We have an established market position and many years of experience.
  • We use modern blow molding methods.
  • Our offer includes, among others, thermo-shrinkable hood i ESD dissipative bags.

We are a film producer, we distribute foil and paper packaging with a wide range of applications:


  • Foils used in the cold storage industry.
  • Foils used in the meat and food industries.
  • Anti-slip bags.
  • Container bags.
  • Sleeves, semi-sleeves and thermo-shrinkable tapes.
  • LDPE plastic bags, plastic dividers.
  • Constructions foils.
  • Stretch films - Manual, Machine.
  • Foil prints.


  • LDPE.
  • LLDPE.
  • HDPE.
  • PP.
  • PET.
  • Second-quality offgrade plastics.
  • Regranulates.
  • Millings.


  • Paper packaging covered with polythene layer.
  • Paper bags with polythene insert.


  • Food products (frozen foods, bulk materials).
  • Chemical industry products (granulates, PVC).
  • Construction materials (sand, plasters, glues).
Perfection that hides in the details.

By maintaining high standards, you can be sure that the product received is always of the highest quality.

You’re unsure of the product specification?

We will be happy to advise! Contact us or leave a message.


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