Prosimy o przeczytanie tej informacji zanim klikniesz „Akceptuję” lub zamkniesz to okno. Pragniemy poinformować Cię, że Zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1−2 rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z 27.04.2016 (tzw. RODO), zapewniamy bezpieczeństwo danym, które są przetwarzane w ramach działania naszej strony. Prosimy Cię o zapoznanie się z Polityką Prywatności naszej firmy. Klikając „Akceptuję” lub zamykając okno, zgadzasz się na warunki przetwarzania swoich danych osobowych wyrażone w Polityce Prywatności.

Lester Productions

You can trust us.

We invest in the future – we rely on experience.

We create quality that impresses.
0 tons of produced plastic packaging in a month.
0 lines for the production of a plastic sleeve.
0 cutting-welding machines, rotomats.
0 years of experience on the market.

Reliability and certainty.

We deal with the the production of plastic packaging intended mainly for contact with food. We are a company with many years of experience in the plastics industry.

0% satisfaction.

We can make any type of foil.

We own a modern machine park with technology allowing to complete every order.

We comply with BRC PACKAGING standard.

BRC PACKAGING certificate is an internationally recognized confirmation of fulfillment of specific requirements for the production of materials and packaging for contact with food. As a result, we meet the qualification requirements as a producer and supplier for a wide range of Clients.

Possibility of manufacturing a firm for production.

We use the best quality raw materials to manufacture a film for production



See how working with Lester feels like.

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Contact us and receive a detailed offer.

See also:

Quality policy

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