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Lester Polymers

Distribution of packaging and plastics.

We create quality, that impresses.

Drawing from the company’s many years of experience in the packaging and plastic market, Lester Polymers deals in the distribution of polymer materials and packaging manufactured in the LESTER HOLDING group.

0 tons of produced plastic packaging in a month.
0 lines for the production of a plastic sleeve.
0 cutting-welding machines, rotomats.
0 years of experience on the market.

Solidity and certainty.

Thanks to long-term contacts in the plastics and packaging industry as well as the employment of qualified employees, we have become a reliable trading partner, able to meet the requirements of customers, both on the domestic and international markets.

0% satisfaction.

Our specialization.

We specialize in supplying plastics: PE, LDPE, HDPE.

Sales and distribution.

The company’s second area of business includes sales of plastic (foil) and paper packaging manufactured by Lester Holding.

Product application.

We specialize in the production of multi-layer paper bags. We tailor our solutions to many different applications in the meat, food, cold storage, construction and transport industries.

See how working with Lester feels like.

Let’s cooperate!

Contact us and receive a detailed offer.

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